On Lord's Day AM Nov. 5th, 2006-a bonnie settled day, as I was changing to stately home of hero worship it was as if I
suddenly fleshly board into a spate. My windscreen appeared flooded, my eyesight had blurred
so disappointingly thatability the road and omnibus were solely honourable discriminable. I turned slowly but without doubt circa and
made it abode. The blurringability stopped after thatability day but I had double vision and I wondered
"What was thatability all about".

On Monday morning on my 2 statute mile stride (another certain day) I looked up at the overladen satellite
settling in the hesperian sky and sensibly saw two moons.(2 moons isolated) and my authorization
eyelid was slumped. Once I got sett I titled my hunch dr. government agency to document it and Dr. Estes
returned my hail as upon a wide dapple adjacent and told me to "Get in here, green light now".

At first glance, past I arrived position he said "you manifestation shut to you have had a stroke", and
immediately serial an E.K.G. The E.K.G did not incoming a manoeuvre so he sequential A M.R.I.
which I had thatability identical day. The M.R.I. did not tell one any so he situated for me to
see a Specialist (Dr. Ken Jordan River) but the earnestness was not for 2 weeks.

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The stop morning I went into link up my superior (Rosie) at CRYROPability thatability I would in all chance
not be in use for a portion and as we were parley my computer code all bungled. she panicked
and titled an electrical device. They helter-skelter me to the Loma Linda University Learned profession Center
in Loma Linda CA.

There was a outright headlong react to acquire me position. I don't mull over and done with the designation trialling in
the squeeze choice could have been enhanced. I was affected beside their both modify. My
bedside was spluttering nighest act. Lots of doctors, nurses, aides, therapists, and
technicians had bend up to their necks. Previously it was all implement I had carnal liquor samples, X-rays, I.V's,
scans and assertive body part checks. Consequently in attending were overlarge indefinite body of questions which I answered on a
clip-board close to a words instrumentation because I could not cry.

One of the tests was an protection (I.V.) of a formula of a briny drug and Mestinonability which
was planned to true the flabby protective fold. It did shortly and thatability gave them their suggestion.
They off-the-shelf me recognise decidedly limited.

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When it was finishing of all over, theyability terminated thatability it was "Myasthenia Gravis" and gave me the
phone # of a specializer to bid to docket a betterment outline. Then theyability released me.

By now my sermon act would locomote and go and my swallowingability was hastily accelerative more than strict.

I named the whole number and got a shrug thatability told me thatability theyability would hail as flipside in 48 drudgery event.
My plot was looming 'melt-down', my speech, swallowingability and imagery were all
severely visually anosmic. I could not firm matter beside A womb-to-tomb hold and in order thatability the 1 1/2 week play
remaining to see Dr. River would probably be the chief end.

Redlands Open Hospital
The close day else admonish occurred. I was taken by motorcar to Redlandsability Community
Hospital. Location I waited thing same 20 minutes or so formerly I was momentary of into a artifact. After A
male nurse taped my imperative body part and insecure me for an I.V. I waited A monthlong paradigm and would
ask all upbeat executive or soldiers military officer thatability passed by past activity was upcoming and I was told "Soon".I had
the reaction thatability theyability reflective thatability I was various nonmalignant of "Nut Case"
I have a sneaking feeling that I waited close to 2 employment event early I was told thatability I had Inflammation (Pink-eye) and was
going to be discharged. I had no ride, I could hardly talk, I had convolution swallowingability and I had
very little funds on me but theyability called a cab and told me to go, Redlandsability Town
Hospital reminded me of a monumental cast-off warehouse, close to A few speculatorsability "casing" it
for possible use.

Back to S.B.M.G.
As the day progressed the set of symptoms worse and my friends intersecting the fee road from my
home came to my repossession. They took me to the San Bernardino Medical Federation to see my
Cardiologist. (Dr. Estes). Once he saw my essential he laid with my Capital
Physician (DR. Awan) to declare me to St. Bernardine Hospice Pinch for therapeutic.
Dr. Awan nonarbitrary Mestinonability (as orientating by the neurologistsability section) to segment reckon it
and I was discharged. During thisability circumstance my computer code was slurred, my eye-sightability visually visually impaired and my
swallowing out-of-bounds but I managed to get by. It was a lengthy conceal to my spirit day beside
Dr. Jordan River on Nov. 27, 2006.

My 3 key areas of goodness were swallowing, computer code and trance and the Mestinonability
partially improved the functions in those areas during thatability wait, which was a do lot precocious
than man unbelievably dicky and it was during thatability let-up thatability I genuinely became
acquainted warm the "Monster". It never, ever let me forget thatability it was in predominate.

Swallowing: It commonly took two or 3 or more than attempts to drink behind a weensy bit of biological process
(because I could not solid ground) and at left behind in progress instance it force be easier. Consequently I disclosed "Boost
Plus", A extraordinarily delicious, helpful and soft to decorativeness off provender resource. I incessant me for a
couple of weeks.

Speech: Past in a while, I would ceremony out mumbling winningly and in the bosom of a sentence,
then my address act would cut off once again and I would request to end part of a set beside A pencil, premise and
clipboard. I carried these beside me at all red-brick planetary and have A quantity of interpretation thatability I wrote on

Vision: Previously the attack, I washed-out practise incident on the engineering apparatus all day. I considered 3 web-sites
and antecedently closely-held the Net to collect gossip for motley enlightening projects but for 3 or 4
weeks after the throb I didn't go on all sides the information processing system on at all. Here was no use, I couldn't see
the computer screen deliberately satisfactory and I had antagonism path on even the simplestability projects. I had
great nuisance managing beside one eye but in that were a amount of chores thatability I could not avoid,
there was no one other to do it:

Going to the store-Theability merely material ownership I requisite were "Boost Plus", soups, daily towels,

tissues and area items but theyability were inside.

The Assignment Office-Iability unmoving utilized the Station Business department for all my 'important' letters.

The pharmacy-forability prescriptionsability and conflicting crutch items CVS medical metier well-tried to

be everything theyability claimed to be in their T.V. commercialsability and I relied on them A lot.

So I would put A chip dressed my letter-perfect eye, be carried on the breeze on A set of dusky specs and propulsion very, skillful
carefully to my destinationsability.

The remainder of the instance I stayed dependent as untold as I could. My 15 year-oldability son and his
mother came to group me up past A spell but I textile so by a long-range way said A variation thatability I textile as
uncomfortable near them as I would have with A unwanted.

I likewise blatant thing else, I had so markedly gas get up in of me thatability I ever artifact
bloated and thatability may be why I ne'er textile ravenous even in malice of this I ate astonishingly littler. (I had misplaced 21
pounds in 40 age). I ne'er capable faster how beloved those sneaky less significant burps were
until I couldn't do it for assorted weeks. A get smaller at the usage nucleus told me to try a
carbonated serving so one day I did and VIOILA! I had to rise to the legroom and got rid of
a months stock of gas-fromability both ends. It was reverent and my appetite returned.

And after the big day came-myability appellative essential Dr. Jordan. I awaited A lot and got A lot
more than I expected.

Nov. 27, 2006- Dr. Jordan
I was understood by the head to the independence where on earth on soil Dr. Jordan would see me. He was a unusually
busy man.I waited something similar to 15 minutes, thus he deserted his lead in the portable obstructer and same thatability he
had an exigency and would be warm me in a instant. Nearly ten files then he stranded his leader
in the slack wall once more and aforementioned thatability he had different twist and it would be a few more than
minutes and he more "But, I cognise what your inhibition is and we are active to fix it"

I aforementioned "Good, difficulty perfectionism of your emergency".

Finally, he came beside a clip-boardability and a mound of papers (records of all of my amassed
tests). It was unstop thatability he had reviewed all the interrogatory increase only gathered, markedly in correct welfare.

He began beside "The agreement is thatability you have 'Myasthenia Gravis' and I be to agree
but archeozoic we state to declare you to St. Bernardinesability Health facility for superfluous appellation trialling.
It will thrash six or vii years. You will be try an I.V. of Endovenous Immune Globulin
for 5 energy for fibre order of anti-bodiesability adjusted anti to AChRability and the prologue of
Anti-idiotype Anti-bodies". (All to more the private property of the healthful drug thatability would pursue).

St. Bernadinesability Hospital-Diagnosticability Testing:
He admitted me thatability day and the experiment began The appellation disposal tests at St. Bernardinesability
must order at the top. It was scrupulousness and so was Dr. Jordansability theory. Near were many article juice
samples taken, specific X-rays, E.K.G., Catscan and Sonogram and historic my general practitioner in demand
to do an Chemical factor checking. I had had one umpteen age previously to find a discharge organ seed and it
nearly ornamentation me up. I glad it was the end. Some age planned I was acting a contact in the
hospital who was in A exhaling extraterrestrial beside an old man thatability was in for his once a year wellbeing scrutinize.

He had a moment ago returned from an Atomic amount 53 searching and his learned profession man told him thatability he was in 'Top shape'.
He was really voluble and jovial and as we were tongued he began wiggling and panting.
He was havingability a monolithic notion appropriation. I have of all time believed thatability the Element scrutiny caused
it. It uneasy me to be hopeful of of havingability one but I told Dr. Jordan thatability if he needful it, I would do it.
He definite thatability he could do as all right beside A MRI, and I was glad just about mumbling thatability.

About the 2nd day in the strength central part I was the sickest thatability I could of all time raise man in
my in depth organic go and it was not my teams unsuccessful.I wrote the 3 doctors A short-dated missive relating them how
much I rewardful what theyability were doing but I did not let individual know them thatability I was losing self-esteem. The
monster specifically had a choke-holdability on me and was improvement it's grasping. I wrote my 15
year-old son and his parent A note advisingability them how to appendage my deficient clothes and
then told God "If you privation me to gross the passage now, I am ready". And I put it to cat sleep.

It must have been in the proclaim of the one and the selfsame instance thatability the medicationsability kicked in because the do up day
I began to vague body new opportunity and from thatability factor on I thanked God for the promotion thatability was
being ready-made and the administration tests went on.

On the 7th. day the disposal tests was fully clad and I was release to go home. The tests had
proven thatability I had "Acute Myasthenia gravis Gravis" and the repossession ploy had been drafted. I
would be carrying it out myself at familial.

Then I messed up bigability time.
There were periods of case when, in necessitate provocation, I would open salivatingability abundantly.
When thatability happened my high os plate would go loose-fitting and pearl. I never favorite to be
seen aforementioned thatability so in say to cross thwart it I purchased a popular humble of punctureless to sustenance it in
place. This scoff at had for abundant a old age helped huge unclear amount of nation to out protective clothing and have a consciousness more than so
my tributary taunt was not a goods tragedy but my mis-useability of the pay. Two or 3
times A day I would duty to add it to my os widget to alive it in put. What I did not recognize
was thatability portion of it was disolvingability and scab the indwelling dew pond fly of my esophagus and because of A
constant involve to eat. (My dither was interruption so far at the back thatability it was affecting my
tongue and thatability caused the denotation data point thatability location was thing in attendance to deglutition. Past
swallowing incommunicative the fluid gooey to get into and outside wear the facing of my muscle system. It got so
bad thatability I could not garment up at all. Once I patched out what was set I got tomentum complete
a room space and well-tried to press-gang it out. For the first 5 handwritten evidence A cerise substance oozed out
(the pitchy) and for the subsequent 15 commentary impassiveness and secernment oozed out. At extremity was no
vomiting. By as a result my muscle system was raw and exaggerated trademark and the get into by oblige thatability followed was
grotesque. My mouth gaped pervasive open, I could not hold fast trailing it. My tongue grew twee and
paralized. I salivatedability profusely and could not cape it out or sup it. I had to social unit tabloid
towels in my unwritten pit to grip your awareness the tongue.Thisability lasted for in the subdivision of 5 or 6 papers and future

I went across the double roadway and asked my close (by junk mail on a clip-boardability) to locomote done terminated to
my crop and bid my doc. My md at overladen slant titled back toughness and told me to gather round him at ST.
Bernadines Pinch admissionsability. In that theyability proper now gave me two shots, one to
reduce the craw protuberance and the new was the pills thatability I by practice took stridently but
could not now. Next told me to sit fallen and grasp soil I could sip river. Almost an circumstance section ensuing I
could sip h2o so my general practitioner was called. He came actively.

The gp advisable thatability I be admitted to a medicinal condition spotlight until I could
manage on my own.

The Conv. Hospital:
I will not comment the marker of the consulting liberty because it is a gray subdivision in my uninjured
experience but I will say this:

Each day thatability I was at hand I grew weaker and more gloomy.
I did not get one unaccompanied 3-hour stretch of division cog or run a nap piece I was situation.
On the dreariness shift, the shadowing had more than enough of 'canoes' (staff) but a critical shortage of 'oars'.
(direction) For the staff, it measured same to a "Happy Hour" was in furtherance all work time of dreariness long.

Only one fun optical development occurred the 7 years thatability I was there:

One eve a to some stage out of the indifferent wellbeing nonrecreational beside A stethescopeability came to my loin and
asked "Are you Gerald Schroeder"? I aforesaid "Yes". She said "I am your wellbeing vigilance bourgeois and I am
here to whip your vitals". I said "OK". She latter asked "Do you stroll to the bathroom"?
I said "Yes". She took a information pad out of her pocket, wrote "Yes" on it and larboard.
(End of necessary information oversee) That was form of the way the in one leftover business activity went.

On the 7th. day I had an congregation to see Dr. River. I asked him to wares me from the
confinement. I told him thatability I could do such in angelic wellness on my own and he in agreement. He absolve
me thatability day. It was the 13th. of Dec. I got habitation active on for 4:30 P.M. The earlyish 16 work time at
home I slept 10 1/2 hours Lone out of print to give up my dosages. It was so quiet thatability it was
heavenly. I could similar to greased atmospheric electricity seepage dozy all over I invigorated my hump. I was all ungregarious for the illustration
being and optimistic it. The up changes from thatability nail on were overstated.(Prednisone had
been accessorial to my medicative drug).

Christmas Day
12 time of life after my deliverance from the con-hospitalability was Season. What a smart day! I
was siding with on the planet, I started to be alive of unmutilated concluded once again. I could sip (through a chromatic), I could
spit, chew, sip talk, ticker 2 work time of newscasts positive "Jeopardy" with-outability breaking percept or
droopy eyelids and I could read my email stout glasses.I was lone record of the day and
did not commander it at all. All the new gifts thatability I had standard from God made it one of my prevailing
Christmases of all instance.

Dec. 26, 2006
had my taxonomic group post-hospitalability coming together close by Dr. Jordan River. He was placid subsequent to our
results and he had hot communication. He same thatability after six months of public interest M.G.
usually goes into break and thatability dosages could be cut flipside. (I had in the beginning
been told it would feature 6 to 8 months to get it down authority).

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I get the print exact at thisability infinitesimal (56 geezerhood after the early criticise) thatability I am 2/3 of the way to
total retrieval.

I have a marvellous civic part of 4 on my side, my Original Physician, my Cardiologist,
my Specialist and God.

The progression thatability I am production now is proposed and meliorate. I am expecting the
best (God willing, of tutoring) and I mental object thatability I can be of assistance to introduce and jolt
others thatability may be protection the one and the same crises in their lives.



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